
Living earth waco
Living earth waco

living earth waco

Also known as capitalism, it is dedicated to what Pope Francis calls the idolatry or worship of money. I call this system a “suicide” economy because it is systematically destroys the foundations of its own-and our-existence. Limits Meaningful Participation in Rule Making to the Winners in a Rigged Game: A corporate dominated, money-driven political system puts the power to make the rules in the hands of those who profit from environmental destruction and economic exclusion, thus creating a positive feedback loop reinforcing political choices that assure ultimate system collapse.Drives a Growing Global Class Division between the Profligate and the Desperate: It encourages and celebrates ever more excessive and wasteful consumption by the few while reducing the many to increasing desperation and exclusion from access to the essential means of living-including clean air to breath, water to drink, fertile soils to grow food, and a place to live.This assures both the systematic depletion of Earth’s capacity to support life and increasing control of what remains of that capacity by a tiny oligarchy.

living earth waco

And counts as wealth creation the depletion of Earth’s capacity to support life in order to grow the financial assets of those who already have financial assets far beyond any need. Counts Ecosystem Destruction for Financial Gain as Wealth Creation: It values life only for its market value.I call the next system economy a “living” economy, because its underlying design principles come from our understanding of healthy living systems. Living Democracy: It must give each person an active voice in the decisions that affect his or her life, and support the just and nonviolent resolution of conflict through processes that are both inclusive and transparent.Shared Prosperity: It must support the sharing of resources to meet the essential needs of all people by securing their right of access to a means of living.Ecosystem Health and Balance: It must value life above all else and support individuals and communities in growing the generative capacity of Earth’s biosphere, while meeting human needs within the limits of that capacity.The goal is a new economic system that supports three essential and inseparable outcomes: What follows is my effort to distill within the outline prescribed by the Next System Project the most important lessons of this experience.

living earth waco

The observations I share in this report are the product of my life experience, much of it living and working in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, as I elaborate in the brief personal history at the end of the report. We must reinvent our culture and our institutions from the bottom up. Nor will marginal adjustments to the current self-destructive system suffice. The current system failure is thousands of years in the making and touches on every aspect of society. We humans must apply that lesson now to the greatest challenges we have faced since our earliest ancestors walked the plains of Africa. It is perhaps the most important lesson I learned in more than twenty-six years of formal education. Otherwise the problem will simply reoccur. Look upstream to find and correct the system conditions responsible for the system failure. Our professors constantly admonished us to “look at the big picture.” Treat the visible problem-a defective product or an underperforming employee-as the symptom of a deeper system failure.

#Living earth waco professional

We the people line up on one side or the other and are so focused on the opposing party as villain, we fail to notice the extent to which corporate power and government power are unified in the cause of corporate rule, through the oligarchy’s control of money, markets, politics, and media” The New Economy: A Living Earth System ModelĪ Report Prepared for and Published by the Next System Project, August 10, 2016Īs an MBA student, I learned a basic rule of effective organizational problem solving that has shaped much of my professional life. They support Republicans who blame government. They support Democrats who blame corporations for our problems. “…Establishment interests are gaming the political system.

Living earth waco